



  • 聖嚴法師所有著作
  • 人生雜誌



(英文版)中阿含經研究論文集Research on the Madhyama-āgama






規格:平裝 / 21x15 cm / 392頁 / 單色印刷




會員價:NT$383 (85折)

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This is the third volume of proceedings of the Agama seminars convened by the Agama Research Group at the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (formerly Dharma Drum Buddhist College). It collects academic contributions on various aspects related to the Middle-length Collections of discourses (sutras, suttas) transmitted by different early Buddhist lineages of reciters, preserved in their Indic originals in Gandhari, Pali and Sanskrit as well as in Chinese and Tibetan translations.


Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā
Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts

About the contributors

Mark Allon & Blair Silverlock
University of Sydney

Bhikkhu Anālayo
University of Hamburg

Roderick S. Bucknell
University of Queensland

Jin-il Chung(鄭鎮一)
Göttingen Academy of Sciences

Takamichi Fukita(吹田隆道)
Bukkyō University

Jen-jou Hung(洪振洲)
Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts

Seishi Karashima(辛嶋靜志)
The International Research Institute for
Advanced Buddhology at Soka University

Michael Radich
Victoria University of Wellington

Richard Salomon
University of Washington

Peter Skilling
École française d’Extrême-Orient

Ingo Strauch
University of Lausanne


Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (DILA) Series
Bhikṣu Huimin

Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā

Sūtras in the Senior Kharoṣṭhī Manuscript Collection with Parallels in the Majjhima-nikāya and/or the Madhyama-āgama
Mark Allon & Blair Silverlock

The School Affiliation of the Madhyama-āgama
Bhikkhu Anālayo

Ekottarika-type Material in the Madhyama-āgama
Roderick S. Bucknell

The Śrutānṛśaṃsa-sūtra of the Dīrgha-āgama in Comparison with the Wende jing 聞德經 of the Madhyama-āgama
Jin-il Chung
Back to the Future of Prof. Akanuma’s Age: A Research History of the School Affiliation of the Madhyama-āgama in Japan
Takamichi Fukita

A Quantitative Textual Analysis of the Translation Idiom of the Madhyama-āgama and the Ekottarika-āgama
Jen-jou Hung & Bhikkhu Anālayo

The Underlying Language of the Chinese Translation of the Madhyama-āgama
Seishi Karashima

Were the Ekottarika-āgama and the Madhyama-āgama Translated by the Same Person? An Assessment on the Basis of Translation Style
Michael Radich & Bhikkhu Anālayo

On the Evolution of Written Āgama Collections in Northern Buddhist Traditions
Richard Salomon

The Many Lives of Texts: The Pañcatraya and Māyājāla Sūtras
Peter Skilling

The Indic Versions of the *Dakṣiṇāvibhaṅga-sūtra: Some Thoughts on the Early Transmission of Āgama Texts
Ingo Strauch



Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (DILA) Series

In 1994, Master Sheng Yen (1930-2009), the founder of Dharma Drum Buddhist College, began publishing the series of the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies. The purposes of publishing this series were to provide a venue for academic research .... more


This is the third volume of proceedings of the Agama seminars con-vened by the Agama Research Group at the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (formerly Dharma Drum Buddhist College).

On this occasion, during the last weekend of October 2015.... more



