



  • 聖嚴法師所有著作
  • 人生雜誌





搜尋結果共計 101 筆,共計 11 頁,頁數: 1/11

每頁顯示 10



  • 從比較的觀點看念住的實修方法

    無著比丘(Bhikkhu Analayo)著,法鼓文化出版 商品編號:1111190041

    會員價:$383 (85 折)

    「雖然我以學術研究方法表達經文,而且在部分討論中我需要處理較為理論性的議題,但是整體而言,這本書是為修行者所寫的,如何能對禪修實踐有幫助,是我這個研究的出發點。」——無著比丘(Bhikkhu Anālayo)「無著比丘的著作是無懈可擊的學術和修… more

  • (英文版)戒律研究Vinaya Studies

    Anālayo著,法鼓文化出版 商品編號:1111180071

    會員價:$383 (85 折)

    The present book collects research papers by Bhikkhu Analayo related to Vinaya. Recurrent topics are the nature of Vinaya narrative and the overlap between discourse and Vinaya material, both of which have significant ramifications for the… more

  • (英文版)長阿含研究Dīrgha-āgama Studies

    Anālayo著,法鼓文化出版 商品編號:1111180061

    會員價:$595 (85 折)

    The present book collects research papers by Bhikkhu Analayo containing translations of Dirgha-agama discourses and comparative studies of their Pali parallels (as well as relevant Sanskrit fragments), together with three appendices. Sever… more

  • (英文版) 增壹阿含研究 Ekottarika-āgama Studies

    Anālayo著,法鼓文化出版 商品編號:1111180041

    會員價:$578 (85 折)

    The present book collects research papers by Bhikkhu Anālayo with translations of Ekottarika-āgama discourses and comparative studies of their Pāli parallels, together with three appendices on the terms Mahāyāna, Hīnayāna, and Theravāda. S… more

  • (英文版) 雜阿含研究 Saṃyukta-āgama Studies

    Anālayo著,法鼓文化出版 商品編號:1111180021

    會員價:$527 (85 折)

    The present book collects research papers by Bhikkhu Anālayo with translations of Saṃyukta-āgama discourses and comparative studies of their Pāli parallels, together with two appendices on the relationship between commentary and discourse … more

  • Madhyama-āgama Studies

    Anālayo著,法鼓文化出版 商品編號:1111270051

    會員價:$553 (85 折)

    The present book collects various research papers by Bhikkhu Anālayo with translations of Madhyama-āgama discourses and a comparative study of their Pāli parallels, together with a brief discussion, found in the appendix, of the school aff… more

  • A Comparative Study of the Majjhima-nikāya Vol.1 Vol.2

    Anālayo著,法鼓文化出版 商品編號:1111270031

    會員價:$1,275 (85 折)

    The present book is a textual study in early Buddhism, which compares the Pali discourses of the Majjhima-nikāya with their parallels preserved in Chinese, Sanskrit and Tibetan etc. ●作者簡介: Bhikkhu Anālayo was born in Germany in 19… more

  • 禪之道:無目的生活之道

    阿倫.瓦茲 Alan Wilson Watts著,五南圖書出版 商品編號:1151320141

    會員價:$323 (85 折)

    「無心」、「無為」與「永恆現在」《禪之道》是西方哲學家阿倫‧瓦茲眾多著作中影響深遠的經典之作,適宜入門閱讀。全書圍繞「禪」主題,上承「背景和歷史」,下啟「原理和實踐」。上篇追溯禪與道家、佛教的淵源,深入闡述與禪的誕生密切關聯的《易經》、老子… more

  • 寶從天上來

    范揚華(Terry Fan), 范揚夏(Eric Fan)著,格林文化出版 商品編號:1150910211

    會員價:$383 (85 折)

    從天而降的禮物,到底屬於誰呢?得到還是付出?是人生重要的問題!擁有還是分享?是人生重要的課題!一本奇異想像的繪本,讓孩子學習人際關係的道理,理解人生快樂的原理。在某個星期四,「它」從天上掉下來了!昆蟲們都不知道這個寶物是從哪裡來的,也不知… more

  • 佛陀之心:一行禪師的佛法講堂【增修新版】

    一行禪師 Thich Nhat Hanh著,橡實文化出版 商品編號:1150380811

    會員價:$383 (85 折)

    佛陀真的認為「一切皆苦」嗎?打破似是而非的佛法迷思,最精確的一行禪師正念生活指導書萬物相互依存,以正念及慈愛擁抱苦,就能療癒自己與世界。一行禪師是一個徹底活在佛法中的人,一個慈悲的行動者,他以自己的生命經驗,淬煉出這一本如詩的生活佛法書。… more

