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An Early Chinese Commentary on the Ekottarika-āgama

作者:Antonello Palumbo





規格:15x21 cm / 平裝 / 424頁 / 單色印刷




會員價:NT$391 (85折)

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In April 2012 a workshop on the Chinese translation of an Indian Ekottarika-āgama or ‘Collection of texts increasing by one’, known as the Zengyi ahan jing 增一阿含經 (Taishō 125), was convened at the Library and Information Center of Dharma Drum Buddhist College. At the last minute Antonello Palumbo was unfortunately unable to participate in this workshop. Nonetheless, he kindly agreed to contrib-ute his paper to the volume of proceedings of the workshop.
He more than made up for his absence with a lengthy en-quiry – in size and scope monographic – that offers a vivid and meticulous historical tableau and a quasi-forensic investigation of the translation process of the Ekottarika-āgama and the authorship of its Chinese commentary, known as the Fenbie gongde lun 分別功德論 (Taishō 1507). Eventually, the study turned into an independent monograph, published here as No. 7 in the Dharma Drum Buddhist College Research Series. It is thus a fitting companion to the preceding volume, which has just come out as No. 6 in the same series.
The paper to be read at the workshop originally pursued the religio-historical traces in the tangle of intertextualities of the brahmapuṇya formula in the Chinese translation of the Ekottarika-āgama and its commentary, which soon opened entirely new perspectives not only on the diffusion of the brahmapuṇya formula itself, but on what the concluding section of this monograph calls the “cultural origins of the Chinese Ekottarika-āgama and the rise of Greater Serindia in the history of Buddhism”.
Antonello Palumbo is a historian by education and intellect. He presents both the Zengyi ahan jing and its com-mentary in their historical milieu, with a special sensitivity to the role played by the personalities involved. A close look at individual agency against the somewhat impersonal principles of Buddhist textual transmission calls for pains-taking investigation of the conditions and motivations that may have led these religieux to make specific choices of translation and revision.
The Āgama Research Group at the Library and Information Center of Dharma Drum Buddhist College is pleased to include in our series Antonello Palumbo’s dense and erudite account of the translation process of the Ekottarika-āgama, and to make available the first detailed study in a European language of the Chinese commentary on the Ekottarika-āgama, the real title of which, as this study shows, was Zengyi ahan jing shu 增一阿含經疏 rather than Fenbie gongde lun.

Sāmaṇerī Dhammadinnā
Director, Āgama Research Group
Dharma Drum Buddhist College

Dharma Drum Buddhist College, 20 September 2013